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Writer's pictureAmith A

Polish Power Play with the Schuler Gambit

Updated: Feb 12, 2023

1.b4 c6

2.Bb2 a5

3.b5 cxb5


In the Schuhler’s gambit, white tries to divert the pawn from the center towards the edge which is actually the opposite of the rule that pawns should always join forces to come towards the center. White also centralises his pawns as a compensation to the lost pawn. The knight develops on the d2 square on to c4 if black tries to save his b5 pawn thus making white’s center strong and black has to play on that weakness for the pawn. Below is the game

1.b4 c6 2.Bb2 a5 3.b5 cxb5 4.e4 b4 5.a3 bxa3 6.Nxa3

The gambit pawn is compensated by lead in development and the additional pawn is nowhere near to advance till the endgame is reached.

d6 7.d4 e6 8.Bd3 Nf6 9.Ne2 Be7 10.0-0 Nc6 11.Kh1 Nb4 12.Bb5+ Bd7 13.c3 Bxb5 14.Nxb5 Nc6 15.Ng3 0-0 16.c4 Nb4 17.d5 exd5 18.exd5 Qd7 19.Ra3 Nbxd5 20.Rf3 Nb6 21.Qd4 Na4 22.Ba1 Nc5

23.Nf5 Ne6 24.Qh4 Rfe8

A beginning of a downhill for black with an unexpected sac incoming.

25.Nxe7+ Qxe7 26.Rxf6 gxf6 27.Bxf6 Qd7 28.f4 Nf8 29.Qg5+

And the checkmate is inevitable.

In the schuhler gambit, black has a pawn majority on the queen side and white enjoys a pawn storm at the center. If you are willing to play for compensations and acticity as white then this surely helps you to gain a stable position. Unless you reach the endgame black does not have a comfortable edge with the gained pawn.

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